There are numerous forms of “Manual Medicine.” Some of the most popular methods are Chiropractic, Naprapathic Medicine, Medical Massage, Physical Therapy, and certain techniques in Naturopathy. Connective Tissue Manipulation Therapy is one of the foundations of modern Naprapathic Medicine (the others being Nutritional Counseling and adjunctive therapies) and is one of the specialties of ACHPM.
Connective Tissue is found throughout the body. There are numerous forms of connective tissue, but the field of Naprapathic Medicine is primarily concerned with dense or fibrous connective tissue, such as that found in tendons (connecting muscles to bone) and ligaments (connecting bones to one another). And, as these structures cannot be treated in isolation, CTM therapy also incorporates the muscles, bones and cartilage. The goal of CTM therapy is to relieve the pressure on the nerves of the musculoskeletal system. Most structural pain, e.g., back, neck, shoulder pain, is the result of pressure on the nerves of the spine, neck, joints, etc. CTM therapy uses gentle manual techniques of stretchment counterbalancing pressure, and other manipulation to relieve this pressure, thereby relieving the pain and restoring the patient’s natural range of motion. (See also Naprapathic Medicine)
For more information on Connective Tissue Manipulation or to set up an appointment please call:
(630) 833-4007 Villa Park Treatment Center