Bioresonance Therapy

According to Prof. Dr. Werner, Bioresonance or Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy is a very effective holistic body treatment system with success rates up to 95%. PERTH works with very LOW magnetic fields in a body-like frequency window in the pico tesla range. Higher magnetic field strength is not sufficient for therapeutic use! In one session the entire meridian system is stimulated and the oxygen partial pressure increases about 61% after 10 minutes. Blood is the transport agent for oxygen and nutrition to the cells. After a short treatment time the energy level of a person is increasing. More energy = more health. After 20 years of research it is now possible to treat various diseases naturally and very effectively. PERTH therapy is allowed for pregnant women and cardiac pacemaker patients.
Professor R. Werner, M.D.

The Universe was full of electromagnetic fields with different wavelengths long before life exists on earth. We are all acquainted with the sun’s warmth. Without its light – a short-wave electromagnetic field – life would be unable to exist on our planet. In addition to sunlight, pulsating electromagnetic fields with an extremely long wavelength play an important role in our body.

These fields have an effect on our organism when we move through the earth’s magnetic field, and cause our cells to oscillate. Furthermore, a human body also generates such long-wave magnetic fields itself, e.g. when our heart beats. The oscillation energy of such fields results in regeneration, circulation and defense against infections in our cells.

The elementary principle of nature is the use of electrical and electromagnetic forces. All functions of life, therefore also of humans, are controlled by these forces and their vibrations. Best known of these are the currents flowing in the heart. They can be recorded on an ECG and from the curve produced it is possible to ascertain a normal function or to recognize heart diseases. But currents are also generated by other organs (e.g. brain and muscles).

Activation of natural self-healing powers

During and after treatment with Perth, the heart pumps more powerfully and supplies cells with blood which is richer in oxygen. Palpitation improves and circulation is improved in all blood vessels, and the flow of blood is accelerated, reducing the danger of blood corpuscle accumulation and associated thrombosis.

The effect of PERTH on the body Communication within our body takes place below the molecular level using electromagnetic signals, so-called “Biophotons”. Every second, more than 100.000 essential functions of every single one of our 80 billion cells are therefore the basis for the bio-energetic self-regulation of our organism.

PERTH is based on ancient Chinese medicine

Chi, better known to us as bio-energy or vitality, is present in all living matter. There are twelve main meridians in which this energy flows vertically in our body. These are named according to organs or functions. Six of them are assigned to the earth, in which the female YIN energy flows upwards. The energy of heaven, the male YANG energy, flows downwards in the other six meridians. This results in a cycle.

If the energy can flow unhindered in the meridians, a person is living in harmony, and is healthy. If that energy is slowed down or comes to a standstill, there is disharmony, resulting in sickness. Such a deficit often means that an organ cannot function fully, that one permanently feels tired, or – as an example – strength is missing in our back, resulting in backache.

This Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy (PERTH) provides a multitude of benefits for your health.

Bioresonance treatment can assist in:

  • Increasing the natural regenerative power of your body for disease prevention
  • Discogenic conditions (Disc Herniation, Protrusions, and Slipped Disc)
  • Improving the ability of your body to combat chronic and degenerative disease, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatism
  • Improved recovery from injuries (Strains and Sprains)
  • Reduced effects of aging
  • Regulation of blood pressure (High or Low)
  • Reduction of stress levels
  • Sleep and relaxation
  • Treatment of Acute & Chronic pain
  • Treatment of headaches (Migraine, Sinus and Tension)
  • Strengthening the immune system

Indications for PERTH are:

  • Degenerative bone and joint disease (hip arthritis, Bechterew’s disease, Sudeck’s desease)
  • Arterial circulation disturbance (hardening of arteries in the leg as result of smoking, lower leg sores, stroke, heart attack)
  • Venous circulation disturbance (Peripheral Artery Disease, Lymphodema and Neuropathy)
  • Sport injuries, Sprains and Strains, healing of wounds and bone fractures, general regeneration of tissue
  • Chronic turbal catarrh resistant to treatment, tympanic effusion, inflammation of the middle ear
  • Stabilization of circulation
  • High and low blood pressure
  • Pulmonary emphysema
  • Osteoporosis
  • Radiant sickness
  • Acute and chronic nasal cavity sicknesses
  • Virus infections, allergies, migraine and asthma
  • Tinnitus aurium (ear noises) and macular edema (retina damage)
  • Stress, sleep and digestive problems
  • Metabolic disturbances (normalization of fatty acid and pH values)
  • Diabetes in the elderly
  • Incontinence, bed wetting with children
  • Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Climatic problems, potency problems
  • Rheumatic disease with chronic pains

Our Philosophy:

PERTH combines the experiences of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture with modern high technology to develop systems which can measure, assess, stimulate and monitor your energy and health levels. Only people rich in energy and vitality are able to properly defend themselves and recover from any damage caused by external and internal factors.

Old-Age knowledge

through thousands of years of observation, Traditional Chinese Medicine has defined health as a harmonic flow of energy between the various systems and organs of the human body. The development and manifestation of disease is due to a lack of energy and its poor circulation within the body.

Space age technology

In the 1960s to 1980s several teams of German scientists established that the electric resistance of the Chinese acupuncture points is related to your health. From this research, electro-puncture (meaning electric acupuncture) therapy and electro-puncture diagnosis were developed by Dr. Voll. Both are based on the principle that Hyperfunction (activation, stimulation) of an organ or system reduces the electric resistance of a related meridian. Hypofunction (sedation, fatigue, and degeneration) increases the electric resistance of the same system.

In the 1980s the Russian Space Agency used electro-puncture to monitor the health of astronauts in space. At the same time the Russian Space Agency was pushing the length of time astronauts spend in the MIR space station to new limits. An extensive database was established for the correlation of disease and the electric resistance of acupuncture points to aid early diagnosis and intervention of possible disease.

The PERTH system is based on the same principles to enable people on earth to monitor and stimulate their energy = health level over a lifetime.

Why do we need PERTH?

Our lifestyle is an enormous pressure to our body due to:

  • Lack of exercise
  • Increasing environmental pollution
  • Processed food, preservatives, all forms of drugs
  • Stress , mental and physical overload, lack of sleep
  • Emotional stress and problems
  • Lack of energy

For more information on PERTH and Bioresonance Therapy or to set up an appointment please call:

(630) 833-4007 Villa Park Treatment Center
(708) 656-7000 Cicero Treatment Center