NEURO SCAN / Electrodermal Screening

In the final decade of the 20th century, we witnessed a revolution in medicine and health care. Our focus on prescription drugs and surgery as the primary means of treatment is expanding to include systems such as acupuncture and homeopathic medicine. In many cases, modern medicine is unable to detect disease early enough for effective treatment. X-rays, laboratory tests, and even the new, highly sophisticated imaging techniques do not provide enough information to allow for effective, early diagnoses of diseases. When we begin to realize that illness often begins with subtle imbalances in the human energy field, completely undetectable through conventional medical tests, we can understand why prescription medication and surgical procedures (often life saving in the gravely ill or injured person) need to be complemented with “bioenergetic” methods for comprehensive patient care.

Now, through methods developed in Germany which work with this electromagnetic component of the body, we can evaluate and treat disease conditions before cellular damage has taken place. Once enough cellular change has taken place, making a disease visible through traditional testing procedures, it may be difficult to reverse the condition. Changes in the body’s electromagnetic field occur long before most conventional tests reveal a problem, making bioenergetic methods ideal for identifying illness in the early stages.

How Do Neuro Screening Instruments Work? Electrodermal screening instruments are a synthesis of advanced electrical and computer technology and the ancient concepts of Chinese medicine. Known as “chi” in traditional Chinese medicine, bioelectric energy is said to flow through a series of circuits called meridians which can be affected by stimulating the topical meridian points of the body. Although the theory of life-energy (called the vital force in European natural medicine) seems very abstract to logical Western thinking, European researchers have validated the existence of meridian points by electrical conductivity readings. Over the last 45 years, German research has led to electrodermal screening being utilized to aid in the determination of the appropriate therapy for the patient as well as to evaluate disturbances in the body.

How Is Electrodermal Screening Performed?

To perform electrodermal screening, the patient is placed in an electrical circuit connected to a delicate testing instrument. A probe, which is also in the electrical circuit with the patient, is used to measure electrical skin resistance at meridian points. The procedure is noninvasive and no electrical or other unpleasant sensation is felt by the patient.

Various substances are introduced into the testing circuit, and the patient’s “electrical” response is measured through subsequent skin resistance measurements. For example, when a patient with a normal liver has a healthy liver frequency put into the testing circuit, that person’s electromagnetic field is in resonance. This resonance is between the test frequency of the normal liver and the frequency of the patient’s own liver tissue. In this case there is no stress and no change in the patient’s skin resistance measurement. If, on the other hand, a patient with an energetically stressed liver has a healthy liver frequency put into the testing circuit, that person’s electromagnetic field would then be exposed to a frequency not in resonance with his own liver tissue. This non-resonance increases the electrical resistance in the person’s body, which is seen as increased resistance in a subsequent skin resistance measurement. An increase in skin resistance in this case tells us that there is an energetic stress in the liver. Subsequent tests can then be performed with other organs and toxins in order to obtain more information on the nature of the liver disturbance. By conducting a series of organ and toxin tests, we can construct an energetic “picture” of the body.

What Can Electrodermal Screening Help Determine?

With electrodermal screening the possibilities are limitless. Information received in this manner can suggest the status of the various organs of the body, the presence of environmental irritants, a viral or bacterial infection, food and chemical allergies, yeast infestation, heavy metals or chemicals, digestive disturbances, and even vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Any situation that involves a seemingly complicated or vague symptom picture is a great candidate for electrodermal screening. With the information provided by electrodermal screening, the practitioner can gain greater insight into the nature and location of the patient’s condition as a basis for effective treatment. By using electrodermal screening, treatment can be focused on the actual problem as well as giving the patient relief through symptom management.

How Does Electrodermal Screening Compare With Conventional Testing Procedures?

Electrodermal screening: can detect the early stages of illness long before conventional tests reveal a disturbance, enables noninvasive reaction tests to be carried out, which can be repeated at any time, and do not subject the patience to undue stress, does not involve costly laboratory work, provides results that are immediately available. Thus, electrodermal screening is an excellent addition to conventional medicine, enabling an assessment to be made when conventional diagnoses and therapy are unable to identify the causes of and treat impaired health. Conventional clinical diagnosis is, as a rule, confined to the treatment of findings that can be established through blood tests, X-rays, and other imaging techniques. With the exception of the EKG, EEG, and electromyography, bioelectrical measurement methods are still not commonly used in conventional medicine. No easy explanation can be found for this. Electrodermal

Screening provides a noninvasive means to assess the degree of disorder in the patient as a whole and the simultaneous activity of various different organs. This is in contrast to the often unclear or complete lack of information provided by normal laboratory tests. In the years to come, with the rising costs of health care, we will continue to witness the blending, integration, and synthesis of complementary methods such as bioenergetics evaluation and therapy with conventional methods in order to treat illness at the earliest possible stage.

For more information or to set up a Neuro Scan please call:

(630) 833-4007 Villa Park Treatment Center
(708) 656-7000 Cicero Treatment Center